R E M I C A D E ® h e l p e d s t o p
f u r t h e r j o i n t d a m
a g e .
T a k i n g c a r e o f m y s e l f
h a s b e e n t h e b e s t t h i n g
f o r b o t h o f u s .
Talk to your rheumatologist.
met w ith my rheumatologist and discussed all the options out
there. A fter that, we decided REMICADE® was right for me.
REMICADE® is given by IV, and the infusion takes about
hours. The doctor's office set up an infusion appointment at
my convenience.
A fter just a couple of weeks, the pain and stiffness were much
better. I was back doing many of the things I used to take for
granted. The relief from the pain and stiffness means I can help
her w ith the grocery shopping, the cooking, and doing laundry.
After my first
infusions, I now receive an infusion about every
8 weeks. I can easily schedule it into my busy life. And my
rheumatologist says I've had no new joint damage. I'm hoping
that means I'll be able to help my mom as long as she needs me.
The information at Remicade.com helped me
talk to my doctor.
Only your rheum atologist can tell you fo r sure if RA is still
damaging your joints and if REMICADE® is right fo r you, to
help stop further joint damage. If you have moderate to severe
RA, REMICADE® used in combination w ith methotrexate, can
reduce signs and symptoms, help stop further joint damage,
and improve physical function in many people w ith moderate
to severe RA.
REMICADE® studies show exciting results.
In a clinical study, REMICADE® w ith methotrexate helped stop
further joint damage in more people after 1 year compared
to those using only methotrexate. For some patients w ithout
joint damage, REMICADE® may stop damage before it starts.
The story in this ad is representative of patients responding to
treatment w ith REMICADE® under a rheumatologist's
supervision. As always, individual results may vary.
I feel good about choosing REMICADE®
I wanted to be sure I had all the facts, so before I started
on REMICADE® I asked a lot o f questions about treatm ent,
and discussed the follow ing issues w ith my rheumatologist:
If you or someone you know needs help paying for prescription medicines,
you may be eligible for assistance. Please call 1-888-4PPA-NOW (1-888-477-2669),
or go to www.pparx.org
©2009 Centocor Ortho Biotech Inc.
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